The Beginner's Guide to Microschooling

Getting Started as a Prenda Guide

🧰 Guide Tools

Along with access to Prenda’s suite of curricula, you’ll also have some guide tools that make managing your microschool a bit easier. Here are a few of the things we provide to help make guiding a breeze. 

Rostering and Password Management

Prenda partners with nearly 20 different providers to bring your students all the tools they need to become empowered learners. Through Prenda’s software, all of the access and password management is taken care of behind the scenes so you can focus on your students and their learning. All you have to do is click a button and your student will have access to the learning tools and experiences that are right for them. 



Progress Monitoring

It can be hard to keep track of every student’s learning progress!




Prenda provides tools that help you see how students are progressing toward their goals so you can assist them if they are getting off track. 


Growth tools

Spreading the word about your school can be tricky. Prenda provides a microschool profile page with a customizable URL so you can have a strong, professional presence online. You can also opt into being part of our searchable microschool database, so families who are looking for microschools in your area can learn about your school and contact you. Thousands of parents visit this marketplace looking for guides near them. We also provide branded marketing tools that make sharing the details of your school with your community easy! 






Business Backend 

Prenda’s microschool management platform includes tools that help you with administrative tasks like taking daily attendance, setting up your yearly calendar, ordering learning materials, setting goals with students, and referencing student personal information with ease. We’ll also handle invoicing and the payment process for all your families and provide helpful guidance on other logistical business questions (like insurance and funding options).



Community Support

You’re not alone! There is strength in numbers. Connect with other guides as you join our vibrant guide community. Join hundreds of Prenda guides all over the country. Share tips and tricks, get support, and problem-solve together as we all strive to empower learners. You’ll also get exclusive access to our life-changing professional development and coaching throughout the year. We'll help you become the kind of grownup that kids love to listen to and learn from.



Getting Started Support

As soon as you create your Prenda World account, you'll get access to your own microschool specialist- think of your microschool specialist as your personal consultant as you work to start your microschool. You'll also have the option to work with a Guide Coach - an active Prenda guide who will help you as you get started. So fun!

Academic Support

Our support team of experienced educators are on standby to help you support your students academically. Since you don't have to be a certified educator to be a Prenda guide, having an academic coach on hand can help you serve kids with confidence and make sure kids get what they need. 

There are many other things we provide you with to make your life easier! Check out The Guide Tools Overview for more details.

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