The Beginner's Guide to Microschooling

Getting Started as a Prenda Guide

✨ Vision and Purpose

Now that you understand the basic goal of Prenda microschools and all the resources that are at your fingertips. Let's talk about YOUR microschool. 

While Prenda provides a lot of tools, resources, and structure, every microschool is unique, and every guide has their own vision and purpose for guiding. What's yours? 

Here are some ideas to get you thinking...

If it's helpful, print out THIS WORKSHEET and jot down your ideas to build your vision and purpose. 

Points to ponder

1. Reflect on your own education. 
  • What went well? 
  • What could have been better?
2. Reflect on your influences. 
  • Who helped you find your motivation and purpose? 
  • Who was really there for you? 
  • How will you play this role for your students?
3. Reflect on your end goal.
  • What kind of people do you want your students to become? 
  • What 3 characteristics do you want them to develop?
  • What are the top 3 capabilities you want them to have?
4. What do you want your microschool to feel like?
  • Pick three adjectives that describe your ideal future school.
  • How do you want your students to describe your influence on their lives when they are adults? 
5. School specifics
  • What unique talents or interests do you want to bring into your microschool?  (Art? Performance? Sports? Music? STEM? Literature?)
  • What grade levels would you like to guide? 
  • How many students would you like to serve?
  • Do you want to serve a specific population? (for example, kids with dyslexia, families of a specific faith tradition, etc.)

    Microschool Guide standing in front of her students around a kitchen table with a globe.

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